Mardi Gras Bead Size Guide

Millimeter Measurement

All of our round throw beads have a millimeter measurement which tell you how many millimeters in diameter each bead is. Because computer monitors do not show true size, we have created a printable size guide for our products. (Printers do not distort image sizes)

Click here for the printable size guide!

(Coming Soon - Requires Adobe Acrobat)

Approximate Metric to Standard Conversions
7mm = 0.27"10mm = .39"16mm = .55"

Strand Length

The length of the necklace listed is the length of the full strand. If you were to cut the beads and measure from end to end, you would get the strand length. However, when the beads are in one piece, they will measure a little less than half of the reported length. The following picture should help you visualize the various strand lengths.

Price Comparison Chart

We have created a table so that you can look at the prices for all of our throw beads in comparison to each other, and compare pack prices to case prices. You can then use the search feature of the online store to find and purchase the beads you want. To search, enter the whole number portion of the product code from the table - i.e. "733" (7mm 33") or "848" (8mm 48").

Click here for the Throw Bead Table. We recommend you print the table for easy viewing.


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Entire contents © 2001 Bead Sale, LLC
Last updated: Jan-4-2001